The international photography platform, GuruShots, will be making their next appearance on the
photography scene, with their first ever exhibition in South Korea. With their ‘Portrait Photographer of the
Year’ & ‘My Ultimate Exhibition Shot’ double edition exhibition at Art Delight Gallery in Seoul, GuruShots
is extremely excited to showcase some incredible photography to the local art scene.
GuruShots is a digital platform that allows photographers from around the world to submit their work for a
variety of thematic photo challenges that open every day. Winning pieces are selected to be shown in
GuruShots Exhibitions which are held in major cities across the globe each and every weekend, from
New York, London and Stockholm, to Johannesburg, Hanoi and Melbourne.
Their August 2021 exhibition in Seoul will feature winning photos selected as part of two recent exhibition
challenges. Visitors will be able to view this remarkable collection of 80 unique printed works submitted by
photographers spanning over 30 different countries, and a stunning collection of digital photos.
GuruShots’ mission is not only to help their best photographers expand their careers and gain exposure
to larger audiences, but also to motivate, challenge, and inspire aspiring and beginner photographers.
GuruShots is an innovative platform that is bringing the world's art and technology spheres together in a
truly unique way.
The exhibition will run from 13th to 15th August, including the opening reception on Friday 13th August,
7pm-9pm, where guests are invited to join for drinks, celebrations and networking with other like minded
photographers of all abilities. The opening reception will also be featured on Facebook Live for those
who cannot travel to visit in person but wish to participate remotely.
Art Delight 갤러리는 8월 13일부터 15일까지 구루샷(Gurushot)의 ’올해의 자화상 사진’ & ‘나의 궁극적인
전시 사진’ 전을 선보입니다.
구루샷은 전세계 누구나 자신의 사진 작품을 올리고 도전할 수 있는 기회를 매일 제공하는 디지털 플랫폼 입니다.
이 플랫폼을 통해 응모된 사진 작품들은 구루샷을 통해 우수한 작품으로 선정되고, 우승한 사진 작품들은 매 주말마다
뉴욕, 런던과 스톡홀름 뿐만 아니라, 요하네스버그, 하노이와 멜버른에서 전시됩니다. 이러한 흐름에 힘입어 Art
Delight 에서는 구루샷의 새로운 도약을 위해 서울에서의 첫 전시를 개최하게 되었으며, ‘나의 궁극적인 사진’과
‘올해의 자화상’이라는 두개의 주제 안에서 선별된 작품들을 선보입니다.
Art Delight는 작가들에게 동기를 부여하며 영감을 줄 뿐만아니라, 사진이라는 매체에 대한 담론을 공유할 수 있는
공간이 되길 바랍니다.
#Art Delight
7 Hoenamu-ro
Youngsan-gu, Seoul
View Map
+82 2-792-2865
Hours: Friday–Sunday 11–6
GuruShots Photography